The Toddler Routine

8:00 - 8:15 am          Arrival
8:00- 11:00 am        Work Cycle 
10:00-10:30 am       Group Snack 
11:00- 11:45 am         Walk & Outdoor Play 
12:00 pm                     Half Day Dismissal
12:00-1:00 pm          Lunch 
1:00 -2:50 pm            Nap /Rest period
3:00 pm                       Full Day Dismissal 


3:00- 3:30 pm           EDC: Snack
3:30-4:00 pm            EDC: Outdoor time 
4:00-5:00 pm           EDC: Classroom 
5:00 pm                       EDC Dismissal

Toddler Montessori Curriculum

 Practical Life

Practical Life encompasses essential activities and skills aimed at nurturing a child's independence and responsibility towards themselves and their surroundings. Within our classroom setting, we categorize these activities into two primary domains: Care of Self and Care of the Environment. While adults might perceive practical life tasks as simple "cleaning" activities, they hold profound significance in fostering a child's development of fine and gross motor skills, concentration, independence, and the ability to follow sequential steps. Moreover, engaging in these activities empowers the child to become an active participant in their community, thereby enhancing their sense of self-worth and confidence. It's worth noting that toddlers are naturally inclined to assist both at home and in the classroom, demonstrating their eagerness to contribute and learn.


Toddlers are at a crucial stage of gross and fine motor development and refinement. Engaging in outdoor activities such as running, jumping, throwing, twirling, and climbing is vital for fostering balance, self-control, coordination, and other fundamental gross motor skills. Within the classroom, gross motor skills are further honed through spatial awareness, carrying, moving, and lifting tasks integrated into parallel classroom activities. Additionally, fine motor skill refinement is nurtured through a variety of activities that isolate different fine motor skills, including transferring, spooning, pouring, and more. This holistic approach ensures comprehensive motor skill development, preparing toddlers for future physical challenges and enhancing their overall motor proficiency.


In the Montessori classroom, language permeates every aspect of the environment, recognizing that toddlers are in a sensitive period for the development of communication. Thus, our classrooms prioritize creating a rich linguistic space where young learners are surrounded by opportunities for language acquisition and expression. Adults serve as models for oral language, guiding children in articulating essential needs and navigating social interactions effectively. Language materials and lessons are carefully curated to support the child's vocabulary development, employing tools such as nomenclature cards, realistic items, and image cards to enhance understanding and engagement. Reading is seamlessly integrated into the daily experiences of the child, fostering a love for literature and expanding their cognitive horizons. Furthermore, adults play a crucial role in modeling proper grammar, pronunciation, and appropriate expression, providing a foundation for effective communication and linguistic growth. By immersing toddlers in a language-rich environment and offering guidance through meaningful interactions, we cultivate confident and proficient communicators who are equipped for success in both social and academic realms.

 Toilet Learning

Toilet awareness and learning are fundamental aspects of a young child's development. At our school, we approach this phase with careful consideration, aiming to support each child in developing toileting awareness and the skills necessary for independent toileting. Our ultimate goal is to nurture confidence and independence in using the toilet.

We understand that not all incoming children may have prior toileting experience. However, we warmly encourage and support every child in our space with toileting and the establishment of consistent toileting routines. Our classroom routines and environment are designed to promote frequent toilet usage, while also fostering related skills such as dressing, undressing, and handwashing.

Collaboration with parents is key in supporting toilet independence both at home and at school. We work closely with families to ensure a cohesive approach, providing guidance and strategies that align with the child's individual needs and progress.

 Art & Music

Art and music are integral components of our daily routine at our Montessori toddler classroom. Singing occurs daily with the children during group activities and gatherings, fostering a vibrant musical environment. We introduce instruments, dance, and rhythmic elements as part of the children's activities, encouraging their independent exploration and creative expression. Art is seamlessly woven into their learning experience, with various activities and skills introduced and available as choices for the children to explore.

Through art activities, we nurture the child’s developing fine motor skills by incorporating tasks such as cutting, pasting, bead stringing, gluing, painting, and using various art implements. These activities not only stimulate creativity but also help develop essential motor skills crucial for their overall development.

Furthermore, we practice the important skills of observing and discussing art and music in our classroom, by encouraging children to express their thoughts and feelings about artistic expressions. We make sure to introduce a diversity of different art and musical experiences, genres, and artists, thus providing a rich foundation for art appreciation and fostering their cognitive and expressive abilities.

 Snacks & Meals

In our classroom, we understand the importance of food not just as nourishment, but as a means of social connection and skill development for young children. Through engaging in hands-on food preparation activities and mastering the use of various kitchen tools, children develop fine motor skills and improve their independence and ability to care for themselves. 

During our morning work cycle, we come together for a group snack, and full-day students enjoy a communal lunch. These shared meals provide delightful opportunities for children to practice setting the table, refining their table manners, enjoying social interactions, and learning the importance of tidying up after a meal. To enhance these experiences, we provide real utensils and tableware, fostering a sense of responsibility and pride in mealtime etiquette and cleanliness. 

By emphasizing the joys of food preparation and dining together, we cultivate a positive relationship with food and instill valuable life skills that extend far beyond the classroom walls.

Get in touch

Monday - Friday
8:00am - 5:00pm
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